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Links of the chart (from left to right, and from top to bottom):
- Taoism
- Tao-chiao: religious taoism
- Wu-tou-mi tao: five pecks of rice (bushels of rice)
- T’ai-p’ing tao: way of supreme peace
- Ling-pao p’ai: school of the magic jewel
- The inner deity hygiene school
- Cheng-i tao: way of right unity
- Ch’üan-chen tao: way of the realization of truth
- Lao-tze
- Chuang-tse
- Wai-tan: exterior alchemy
- Nein-tan: inner alchemy
- Tao yin: stretching and contracting
- Chi-kung: working the energy
- T’u-ku na-hsin t’ai hsi: disposing of the old and acquiring the new
- T’ai chi ch’uan and tso-wang: meditation
- Fang-chung shu: sexual practices
- Sheng tai: sacred embryo, immortal soul