Sangha (saṃgha), Skt., lit. “crowd, host. “
[Hinduism] A group of seekers who gather around a master (guru) in order to attain, with his help, spiritual knowledge and realization of the highest truth.
[Buddhism] [Zen ] the Buddhist community. In a narrower sense the sangha consists o f monks (bhikshu), nuns (bhikshunī), and novices (shrāmanera). In a wider sense the sangha also includes lay followers (upāsaka).
The sangha is one of the three precious ones (triratna, sambō); the way of life of its members is determined by the rules established in the Vinaya-pitaka.
Source: The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen. Shambhala Publications, Inc.
Sangha documents
Books on Sangha
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