

Sutra Con­cerning the Great Parinirvāna

Mahāparinibbāna-sutta Pali, lit. “Sūtra Con­cerning the Great Parinirvāna”; part of the Dīgha-nikāya. This sūtra of Hinayana Bud­dhism deals with the last years of the life of the historical Buddha (Siddhārtha Gautama), his death, as well as with the cremation of his body and the distribution of the relics. It was com­posed by a number of authors over a long periodof time starting around 480 B.C.E. It is available in several English translations. It should not be confused with the Mahāparinirvāna-Sūtra.

Source: The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen. Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Mahāparinibbāna-sutta  documents

Books on Mahāparinibbāna-sutta

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