JÑĀNA-YOGA Skt.; the way of knowledge, one of the four primary yogas, that which leads to God through intellectual analysis and knowledge. Through discrimination (viveka), the entire manifest world is known to be transitory and unreal, and it is recognized that only one unchanging, imperishable, eternal reality exists: brahman. This path requires not merely a sharp mind but detachment, renunciation, and clarity of thought as well. In Jñāna-Yoga, every form of ignorance (avidyā) must be overcome. The meditation of the Jñāna-Yogi is directed to the qualityless Absolute (brahman), with which the atman is identical. An introduction to Jñāna-Yoga is Vivekananda 1955.
Source: The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen. Shambhala Publications, Inc.
Documents on Jñana–Yoga
Books on Jñana–Yoga
External Links: Yoga / Jñana yoga / Bhagavad Gita / Swami Vivekananda