

Huang-chin Chin., lit. “yellow cloth,” “Yel­low Turbans”; a term descriptive of the followers of the Way of Supreme Peace (t’ai-p’ing tao) founded by Chang Chüeh. They wore around their heads a yellow cloth in honor of the Yellow Emperor (Huang-ti) who, together with Lao-chün, was considered the original founder of the t’ai-p’ing tao movement as a whole.

A rebellion organized in 184 C.E. by the fol­lowers of the Way of Supreme Peace has gone down in history as the Rising of the Yellow Turbans (huang-chin ch’i-i).

Source: The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen. Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Huang-chin tao documents

Books on Huang-chin

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