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Links of the chart (from left to right, and from top to bottom):
- Hinduism
- Sruti
- Rigveda
- Sāmaveda
- Yajurveda
- Atharvaveda
- Samhitas and brahamanas
- Āranyakas
- Upanisad
The most important upanisads - Sutras
- Smriti
- Grihya-sûtra
- Vedânga
The six disciplines of vedânga - Manû-samhita
- Niti-sâstra
Pañca-tantra - Purâna
• Vishnuists
The six vishnuist puranas
• Shivaists
The six shivaist puranas
• Brahamaists - Itihâsa
• Mahabhârata
• Rāmāyana
Maharamayana or vasistha yoga - Tantra
- Vamacâra
- Daksínacâra
- Darsana
- Nyâya
- Vaisêsíka
The six vaisêsíka - Sâmkhya
- Yoga
• Karma-yoga
• Bhakti-yoga
• Jñana-yoga
• Hata-yoga
• Kundalini-yoga
• Râja-yoga
The 8 parts of râja–yoga - Pûrvamimâmsa
- Vedānta
The three currents of vedânta